Year 6

Autumn Term Information

Our topic from Autumn through to Spring term is Wonderful World.

We had a fabulous immersion day, the classrooms were decorated in a space theme with music playing as they came in. Children rotated around the three year 6 classes. They had fun taking part in all different activities. In Mr Jones class the children collaborated and created a class rocket. In Mrs Cooper's class the children were very creative as they made clay aliens, the children have since painted these aliens and are now writing a playscript around these aliens and will later create a stop motion. They are very excited to use these aliens in their writing and create a video. In Mrs Pimm’s class the children created a space themed background. These will also be used as part of the stop motion. The children had so much fun they then went on to think of lessons around this topic based on the skills that they were given. The children came up with some amazing ideas.

The children have had a fantastic trip to the Eden Centre - the children had fun creating and programming robots and a moon buggy. The children then raced the moon buggies. They had to solve so many problems during these sessions when collaborating with their friends.


We are also looking forward to the Space Dome coming into school on 23rd November. Pictures to follow...


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